March 16, 2011

Color Inspiration

This last weekend Hubby and I went on a hike in the forest.  I spotted a fallen tree that was covered in lichens of all different colors and I was instantly inspired.  I think that these colors would look beautiful with a bird-themed baby shower.  Here is what I came up with...

*Photos 1, 4, 5, 9 from Pepper Design.
*Photos 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 from Hostess with the Mostess.
*Colors by Martha Stewart.

- Forever Lovely

* Tree photo by Forever Lovely


  1. Beautiful colour pallette love theat you have been inspired by nature. Great pictures. Im your new follower

  2. Really beautiful palette! I love that you're inspired simply by taking a walk outside! And that color story sure does look beautiful with all the accompanying events and decor. Great post- thanks for sharing!


    Haute Khuuture Blog

  3. wow, this is so creative and artistic! You have an amazing eye for color :)


Thank you so much for sharing your lovely thoughts! :)


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